The Scottish Cultural Society, founded in 1992, provides continuing education to members, often at dinners featuring Scottish cuisine and presentations, sometimes meeting at restaurants, other times at members’ home. Our programs vary from informal discussions to carefully planned presentations with visual or musical accompaniment.
- Coming Soon: A digital version of our cookbook, From Lochs to Bayous: The Cookbook of The Caledonian Society of Baton Rouge, to be available on this website for members. You should hear details about this release this summer (2021).
- This will make possible our long-delayed celebration, “Caledonian Cookbook Cook-off: Best of Our Recipes from the CSBR Cookbook,” Potluck; possible venue: Debbie Harris’s Home.
Photo Gallery from the Coterie’s Scottish Ladies Fashion Show
Debbie Harris Susie McGlone Leah Sharp Leah Sharp Janice Wise Susie McGlone and Leah Sharp Catherine Mungall assists Susie McGlone
Caledonian Ladies Fashion Show: Feb. 26, 2020: 6:30 pm, the law offices of CSBR member Trent McCarthy, 7922 Picardy Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70809-3535
- Emcees: Catherine Mungall and Lilly Bridwell-Bowles, Coterie Co-Chairs
- Models: Janice Wise (Current CSBR President), Sugar McAdams (Past CSBR President); Debbie Harris (Current CSBR Vice President), Susie McGlone (Scottish Country Dance Instructor), Leah Sharp (Drummer in the Baton Rouge Pipes and Drums Band).
Guest appearances by Stan Masinter, Rick Bowles, and Trent McCarthy, accompanying ladies in evening fashions.
- Where to Start: Hats, Scarves & Accessories. Accessorizing demos with models, Catherine.
- Casual, Every Day, Highland Games Fashions
- Dressy Occasions: Burns Night, St. Andrew Dinner
- Formal Fashions: Tartan Balls, Weddings
- Door Prizes
- Sale of Accessories
Contact us for more information:
Janice Wise or Sugar McAdams, Co-chairs, at “The Coterie”